Okay; fun animal fact #1.
The female Preying Mantis (Mantis religiosa) has been made infamous for it's cannabalistic tendancy to consume the head of the male prior to, during, or post-coitus. While previously thought to be a manic method of nutritional input (which it is regardless; brains are high in protein!), it is now understood in some circles that it may be a vital part of reproduction.
The male mantis has several sexual inhibitory censors in its head that limit/repress its sexual behavior. Upon consumption, these inhibitors are removed. Normally, you'd think that this would present a problem for most species, but the amazing curve ball of nature foils even the most expectant of expectant expectators...yeah. Turns out the mantis is still able to successfully reproduce AFTER THE HEAD HAS BEEN EATEN. Apparentely it's worth it to get that rushing orgasm. Not something I'd normally think with insects, but hey! all males are alike.
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