Saturday, March 24, 2007

A Children's Game

One, two, three, four, five;
here I come!

Our game of hide-and-seek is at an end.
You've made a choice and gone with him instead.
An unconsecrated union cut by truer love?
Or a game of 'stimulate me, please'?
Our scoreboard flashed "You = 1, Me = 0" in my head.

One, two, three, four, five;
here I come!

Hands reaching for your face, indulging in
one last fantasy where you might be mine,
I run until the breath has left my lungs,
until my bare feet ache from the sharp rocks
I have endured since first I lay my eyes
upon you.

...and now you've hid, forever lost to me.

--pour Maria

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